Monday, 15 March 2021

Jan dhan yojana mistake by our goverment athourities

 I think those who dont have account in #pradhanmantrijandhanyojana

 they are not indian citizen because in this #covid19 situation our #pmmrmodiji has given 500 rs savral times to these account holders and what about others they just suffered no one even notice this thing acttually this thing had to ne done through aadhar card linked account each and everyone have aadhar card our government had to something on this point otherwise in future any other natural disasters like #covid19 #ukflood whatever but some more people of my country will suffer ........................

Lot to say enough for this time #modiji zara sochiye iss bare me


Jan dhan yojana mistake by our goverment athourities

 I think those who dont have account in #pradhanmantrijandhanyojana  they are not indian citizen because in this #covid19 situation our #pmm...