I hope before talking about development of farmers first let farmers think that they are profationals . we have to improve our farmers farming system by informing and supporting them about vertical farming system from they can utilize their land more than enough even they can get more productivity , once farming system is developed after that automatically farmer will be developed Govt have to encourage students and researchers to work on this project to make it chip and reachable to every farmer across India
After that provide them training on block level village level provide funding's and equipment's through aadhar card and pradhan level open #farmer training and earning center in each village.To teach and help them to what to produce and how to produce and after that once again help them how to sell and where to sell.
And from these all training centers we can easily manage disaster and flood situation on ground level let this centers run under central government or state government otherwise agriculture department and rest i will not say anything about #msp or #kisan mudda let the honorable #PM and authorized person decide it .
#jai hind and happy republic day
#jai jawan jai kisan